General Coaching

Think of a career or leadership coach as your personal career cheerleader! They’re here to give you that extra boost, offering tailored advice and insider tips to help you break into or get ahead in the social impact world.

Coaching is like having a brainstorming companion for your career goals and leadership skills – it’s all about moving forward and upward. Therapy, on the other hand, is your go-to for healing and support, tackling personal stuff and emotional well-being.

To truly maximize career and leadership coaching in the social impact sector, focus on aligning your personal values with your professional aspirations. Be prepared to embrace change and actively seek feedback, using it as a powerful tool to refine your approach and strategies. Cultivating a network of like-minded professionals and continuously updating your knowledge about sector trends can also significantly enhance your coaching journey and impact.

Impact Coach 101

Impact Coach is a platform designed for social impact professionals, offering a connection to vetted career and leadership coaches. It aims to streamline the process of finding the right coaching fit by providing a curated selection of specialist coaches, focusing on reducing the time and effort required to initiate powerful coaching experiences that can lead to transformational results.

Absolutely. We are designed to provide coaching services at scale to organizations working in the social sector. Email us at and lets get on a call!

Clients in the social impact sector can benefit from Impact Coach's services by gaining quicker access to specialized coaching tailored to their unique needs and ambitions. This can result in more impactful career development and leadership growth, enabling them to further their mission-driven work with enhanced skills and strategies.

Impact Coach offers a variety of coaching services tailored to different stages of a professional's career, including career and leadership coaching. These services are designed to support individuals whether they are seeking a new role, preparing for a performance review, or navigating a recent promotion, with packages aimed at early to mid-career professionals. Impact Coach also offers specialty coaching services in tech and data science related fields.

Yes, Impact Coach provides coaching services specifically tailored to the social impact sector, including areas like nonprofit organizations, sustainability, and social entrepreneurship. Our coaches understand the complexities and motivations within this space, ensuring purpose-driven leaders receive the support they need to make a meaningful impact. 

Impact Coach offers several additional benefits to its members. Members gain exclusive access to a professionally curated Opportunity Calendar that includes over 500 annual fellowships and funding opportunities, all organized by date for easy integration with personal calendars. Additionally, members receive invitations to exclusive live sessions, including monthly webinars and networking events with industry experts in social impact, leadership, and technology. They also have access to curated lists with targeted recommendations for LinkedIn connections by sector, courses, conferences, companies, and more. Furthermore, Impact Coach provides members with exclusive discounts on premier social impact events and courses, offering valuable savings on professional development resources.

You can find testimonials from previous clients on each coach's profile page!

The Coaches

The Coaches that work with us are carefully vetted by our team and usually have at least 5 years of experience as well as positive reviews and success stories from currentor previous clients. Our coaches all also have previous experience in the social impact sector and a commitment to supporting mission-driven individuals.  Impact Coach does not require our coaches to be ICF certified, but all of our coaches have completed significant training in supporting clients and/or have direct experience in recruiting for mission-driven roles.

For our career coaching packages, you will select a coach from our roster of coaches at check-out. Each package page displays a list of all of the coaches offering that service, and you’re encouraged to review each coach’s profile and reviews to choose the best match for you. If you purchase a multi-session package and don’t have a great fit with your coach after the first session, you can contact us for a re-match and you’ll work with a different coach for the remaining sessions of your package/ 

For our leadership coaching clients, you can select a Coach from our roster of leadership coaches, or you can ask us to pick a coach to work with you. You’ll have a 30-minute initial fit call with your leadership coach, and if it’s not a good match, we’ll help you select someone else to work with. We’re here to make sure you find the best fit for your needs!  

We know how important it is to work with a coach who understands the complexities of your social impact niche. We’ve included detailed bios on each coach’s profile, as well as information about each coach’s areas of expertise so you can choose the right coach for you. Some of our coaches have deep expertise with different life situations, such as returning to work after time off, or navigating the US visa process, so we’ve included these details on the coach’s profiles to make it easy to find the best match for you!

We are always interested in collaborating with more coaches who believe in the mission of Impact Coach and want to help make great coaching more accessible to changemakers. If you’re interested in learning more, please fill out this form and we’ll reach out the next time we’re recruiting new coaches.

Impact Coach recruits and vets the top coaches from the social impact sector. Every listed coach goes through a rigorous application and interview process before they are included on the site. Every year coaches are re-evaluated based on client feedback and a variety of other factors. This ensures that you have the highest quality pool of coaches to choose your match from.

The Logistics

Coaching sessions with Impact Coach are conducted online, using platforms like Zoom or Google Meet.

Clients are asked to fill out a "Pre-Session Reflection Sheet" before meetings, which helps the coach tailor the session to the Client’s specific needs. 

Yes, if you purchased a multi-session package, you may request to change to a new coach after your first session and complete the remainder of your sessions with the new coach. If the second coach is still not a good match, you may request a third coach for the remainder of the sessions in your original package.

Yes! Sign up for our mailing list to be notified of our regularly-scheduled events! 

Booking and Payments

Sessions can be booked after purchasing through the Impact Coach website, with scheduling done via email or the coach’s scheduling software.

Payment must be made through the Impact Coach website. We accept all major credit cards and ACH. We can also invoice your employer directly if they plan to pay for your coaching.

Rescheduling a session requires contacting the coach 48 hours in advance; less than 24 hours before the session may incur charges unless waived by the coach.

All information provided is kept confidential, protected under strict agreements signed by the coaches. We do not store your financial information

To book more sessions, please purchase another package through the Impact Coach website. Please message us if you run into any issues.

Feedback and Refunds

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Quality is ensured by vetting coaches thoroughly based on experience, client reviews, and success stories, although coaches are not required to be certified by any association.

You can request a refund or a change of coach after completing the initial sessions and at least one full session, depending on the number of sessions attended.