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We can partner with your mission-driven organization or team to:

Offer individualized leadership coaching at-scale as a professional development option to one or many folks on your team. We’ll work with you to develop a customized plan to support the goals of your organization.

    Example use-cases include:

  • A self-service professional development option where employees can choose from our bench of 30+ vetted social impact-focused leadership and career coaches and book/check out directly.
  • Customized packages to support organizational change initiatives, with a hand-picked team of Impact Coaches providing cohesive support to your team members.

Offer a targeted coaching package as an added benefit for an offer package to ensure new hires and recently promoted team members have the skills and support they need to thrive in their new role.

Example use-cases include:

  • A personalized “Making the most of your first 90 days” package, offering 1:1 coaching with a top-tier leadership coach, enabling a smooth transition to your organization.
  • New manager training and individual coaching for recently promoted team members, with options for facilitating and debriefing leadership assessments (such as Gallup CliftonStrengths) for a more comprehensive approach.
  • Group workshops and facilitation (on-site or virtual) to support teams navigating complicated team dynamics issues or change initiatives.
  • For organizations navigating layoffs, re-organizations, or employee separations, Impact Coach can make the transition easier with customized outplacement services to help your separating team members find their next role quickly, whether you’re looking to support one or many people. We can work with a variety of budgets and can support transitioning staff members immediately with our team of coaches specialized in the unique trends and demands of the social impact hiring market. Career transition coaching can be a powerful and compassionate way to honor the contributions of your team members and help them transition smoothly.

    Example use-cases include:

  • An affordable, all-inclusive transition package combining an individualized intake and search planning session with one or more targeted coaching sessions, followed by a private implementation session to get things moving quickly.
  • Group coaching and workshop options to provide economical support to a large number of people, quickly.
  • We also partner with organizations facilitating large-scale implementation programs and fellowships to offer coaching support for participants. Our deep bench of vetted, experienced coaches means we’re able to staff engagements of any size and quickly respond to partnership requests for RFPs in any geography, language, or area of expertise. We can manage all aspects of the coaching engagement, including matching, billing, and communications, and provide a seamless experience for program participants.

      Example use-cases include:

    • Skills based coaching in technology domains for local organizations (AI, data science, data visualization, drones for good etc).
    • Management/Leadership coaching as part of local project ownership efforts.

    Localization leadership development