Resume + LinkedIn Review Session

Resume + LinkedIn Review Session

Resume + LinkedIn Review Session

Regular price $335.00

Resume and LinkedIn Review

Expert guidance to ensure you stand out from the crowd.

Get personalized feedback on your materials in a live 1:1 workshop with a social impact coach.

Learn how to use your LinkedIn profile and resume to showcase your expertise, translate experience across industries, and land your next role.

Note: This is a review/workshopping service, not full-scale resume writing. You’ll be expected to share your resume and LinkedIn profile in advance of your coaching session to receive personalized feedback, comments, tips, and strategies. Coaches may recommend phrasing and formatting options, but will not make edits for you.

What’s included:

  • Pre-session reflection sheet to make the most of your time with your coach

  • One 60-minute laser-focused sessions with an expert coach to workshop your materials with you, answer questions, and share strategies and tips

  • Comments and suggestions (via track changes) on your draft resume and LinkedIn profile within 5 business days.

  • Post-session recommended action plan with notes, resources, and next steps

Coaches offering this package: